Modern Human Enslavement – Part 2

Posted on February 9, 2012. Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Ordinarily, I start my blog posts with a picture, and post videos at the bottom to leave you with some final thoughts.  But this time, I’m starting off with a video; a video that you absolutely must watch from start to finish.  Because this video is an outline of what I am going to talk about.  You can think of this video as a prerequisite to waking up out of the “matrix” that we are all in.  Some of you are going to be emailing me with questions like, “What does this have to do with being superhuman and reaching your full potential?”  The answer, in short…EVERYTHING!  First of all, one cannot truly reach their full potential unless an environment for doing so is available, and right now, that environment is not available.  Secondly, superhumans traditionally save people.  They fly over to the scene of a crime and stop a mugging, or take out the villain that’s hell-bent on dominating the world.  The latter of the two is more realistic, and  is exactly what I intend to do.  How do we take out this super villain?  EXPOSURE.  Constant, and I mean constant exposure.  The internet is one way to do this, and is exactly why the SOPA and PIPA bills were created, to limit your ability to provide that exposure. 

It all started when Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act, allowing the Federal Reserve to control the American money supply.  Most people don’t know, but the Federal Reserve is actually a PRIVATE bank!  It sounds very official, and government-like because of the term “federal,” but the truth is that it’s private, not government.  Our Founding Fathers warned us about a centralized banking system, and even believed and stated that it is more dangerous to our nation than any standing army!  Please watch the below video for a more complete explanation on the subject.

Also, it’s important to know that the above video is only the second part of a 2 hour and 30 minute video entitled Wake Up Call – New World Order Documentary.  I highly encourage everyone reading this to search for and watch the complete documentary.  You can find it on, if it has not already been removed for some bogus reason.  I would have embedded the entire video in this post, but for some reason, embedding the entire documentary was disabled.  Hmmm…

“So James, if this evil master plan is actually true, how does it go unnoticed by the masses?”  Haha, that’s the easy part.  First let me say that although it’s going unnoticed by the masses, it’s becoming more and more noticed each and every day.  Secondly, it’s able to go unnoticed because of the controlled media!  “James, c’mon man, now you’re going too far.”  The funny thing is, I told people the exact same thing not too long ago!  You see, these people who pass for journalists, are actually just “repeaters.”  They know absolutely nothing.  Those who own the media tell these repeaters who know nothing, what to say, and then they repeat it to you, and call it journalism.  If you don’t believe that the media is controlled, please watch the below video.

Makes me laugh every time, at how in your face this whole thing is, and yet nobody notices!  Well, like I said earlier, people are noticing as a matter of fact.  The people who own the media are absolutely ruthless in controlling its output for their own agenda.  They can advertise whoever they want and ignore whoever they want.  Want proof of that as well?  Please watch the below video!  That’s one thing you’ll love about this blog folks, I don’t say anything unless I can back it up with video or documentation or some sort of proof.  Watch how (love him or hate him) Jon Stewart exposes the controlled media in how they purposely ignore Ron Paul, since he is the biggest threat to the established elite.

Don’t worry, I won’t be using this blog solely as a platform for exposing the world elite.  I will of course be talking about achieving the physical, mental, and spiritual limits and beyond and improving the human condition.  But remember, what I said.  A superhuman saves people.  What good is achieving your full human potential and going above and beyond those limits, if it is not used for something.  Because if you know the truth, and you choose not to spread that truth, and instead stick your head in the sand of what Paris Hilton is doing, or what celebrity is marrying who, or who’s going to win american idol, then you’re no better than the people at fault.  So what kind of superhuman are you going to be, a superhero, or a supervillain?  Make your choice. 

Left Wing, Right Wing...Two wings on the same bird. Don't forget that.

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