Modern Human Enslavement

Posted on February 7, 2012. Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Nikola Tesla was a genius scientist and perhaps the world’s greatest human being.
Ok, so you’ve read my previous posts where I have referenced how you and I are slaves.  Obviously I’m not referring to the land-working slaves of old, with metal shackles around their arms.  Rather, I am referring to slaves of today, with invisible shackles around their life.  I will go into way more detail in future posts, but for now, I’ll wake you up out of the matrix with a well-documented and true story, so there is no question about me being a “conspiracy theorist” or a “cook” or any other rediculous terms that elitests use to discredit people like myself.  Without further ado…
Nikola Tesla was an engineer who invented alternating current (AC power), which would change the science of electronics forever.  A true inventor and super genius, his inventions were for the sole purpose of uplifting the human condition.  He even created plans for a “Death Beam,” which would end all wars.  So how does all of this info make us slaves?  Don’t worry, I’m getting to that. 
Tesla’s largest undertaking ever was the Wardenclyffe Tower, also called the “Tesla Tower,” in Long Island, New York.  Unfortunately lacking funds, this project was financed by J.P. Morgan, who (surprise, surprise) wished to remain a silent partner in this project.  The Wardenclyffe Tower was to act as a world-wide wireless communication system for sending sound and pictures.  But Nikola had a secret, that is, the tower could also electrify the world, providing limitless, FREE energy for everyone, everywhere!

Wardenclyffe Tower in Long Island, New York

When J.P. Morgan found out that he could not put a meter on it and charge people for the energy that this tower delivered, he disengaged from the financial agreement he had with Tesla and in addition, encouraged other financiers not to back Tesla.  Eventually, necessary funding for the Wardenclyffe tower was completely halted, and the project had to be shut down.  Tesla eventually died alone and penniless in a New York hotel at the age of 86. 
So, do you see how those in power are keeping you and I enslaved?  And this is only ONE way that they are doing this.  And please remember that this is NOT a conspiracy theory, this is real.  This is fully documented and 100% verifiable.  If you do not believe me, please do your own research on the subject.  As a matter of fact, I encourage it! 
 Information like this is the reason why the U.S. government wants to control the internet with bills like SOPA and PIPA, all under the guise of “internet terrorism,” so that you and I can never find out about things like this.  The truth is that no one today, anywhere in the world should be paying for energy that could be free and limitless.  But that of course, would not be profitable for those who use the world as their chess board. 
Please watch the below video in it’s entirety!
Stay positive, stay fearless,
James Hallmark
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